Tutorials in Biostatistics in Statistics in Medicine

Statistics in Medicine publishes Tutorials in Biostatistics. Read the collection here.

The primary objective of Tutorials in Biostatistics is to present introductory tutorials on current biostatistical methods.  Each tutorial presents the topic, defines vocabulary, reviews its uses, illustrates the uses with numerical examples relevant to biostatistical applications, includes demonstrations and references to available computer software for performing the method, and supplies references to articles and books for further reading. The tutorial should act as an introduction to those not already familiar with the method and as a review and update to others. The mathematical level of each depends upon the topic. In all cases, however, the tutorial will strive for the broadest possible audience of researchers and clinicians who comprise the readership of Statistics in Medicine.

Read the following published in 2023:

Coart, EBamps, PQuinaux, E, et al. Minimization in randomized clinical trialsStatistics in Medicine2023127. doi: 10.1002/sim.9916 (Open Access)

Ocampo, ABather, JRSingle-world intervention graphs for defining, identifying, and communicating estimands in clinical trialsStatistics in Medicine202342(21): 38923902. doi: 10.1002/sim.9833

Cattaneo, MDKeele, LTitiunik, RA guide to regression discontinuity designs in medical applicationsStatistics in Medicine202342(24): 44844513. doi: 10.1002/sim.9861

Lu, ZAhmadiankalati, MTan, ZJoint clustering multiple longitudinal features: A comparison of methods and software packages with practical guidanceStatistics in Medicine2023128. doi: 10.1002/sim.9917 (Open Access)