Stat Special Issue on “Statistical Consulting and Collaboration” Template
This is a reminder to authors submitting to the special issue that they MUST follow the formats outlined below.
An announcement about the Stat special issue on “Statistical Consulting and Collaboration” was sent out in October 2021, with a six-month open window for submissions. The editorial team includes Editor-in-Chief Robyn L. Ball and Co-Editors Helen Zhang, H. Dean Johnson, Lee-Ann Hayek, Joe Rigdon, and Maggie Niu.
The editorial team expects submissions to encompass two broad categories of papers of
particular interest: Innovative application of statistical techniques and Collaborative skill development.
We expect all submitted articles to be rigorous in their methodology, to include sufficient technical detail for reproducibility, and to contribute to the field of statistical practice.
All papers will be a maximum of 10 pages, excluding figures, references, and supplemental material. There is no page limit on supplemental material. See Author Guidelines for more details.
Innovative application of statistical techniques
This submission type focuses on impactful and innovative statistical approaches, especially as it relates to challenges encountered with data or the scientific question that require a nuanced approach. This submission type must include a description of the collaborative process. Some examples of this article type include complex data analyses that required a novel adaptation of a statistical method or use of multiple methods, innovative solutions to handling messy data such as discrepancies in data collection practices or changes to the design mid-study, practical solutions to measuring the utility of an algorithm or approach when no true ‘gold standard’ exists or there are limitations in collecting case labels. Note that these articles do not need to describe a novel method but they should describe the approach in enough detail so that it is clear how the approach or technique contributes to the field of statistical practice. It will include an abstract, an introduction, a section on data and methods, a results section, and a discussion section. Instructions for each section are given below.
Collaborative skill development
This submission type focuses on techniques, methods, and approaches to develop and refine collaboration skills including case studies, strategies for effective communication, strategies for building successful collaborative relationships, and approaches to mentoring and/or training fellow statisticians and data scientists. Articles of this type are expected to be rigorous in their methodology, widely applicable to the practicing statistician, and to advance the thinking and practice of how to be a successful statistical collaborator or consultant. Successful submissions will include an experimental design and will measure the success of the approach or technique and will not simply be an exposition of ideas. It will include an abstract, an introduction, a section on data and methods, a results section, and a discussion section. Instructions for each section are given below.
Abstract: Present an overview of the research project. 200 words maximum.
Introduction: Introduce the challenge you solved and describe any previous innovations on the topic.
Data and Methods: Describe the dataset and the experimental design. Is it a prospective, retrospective, or cross-sectional study? If applicable, what are the explanatory and response variables? Include a diagram to describe and enumerate any exclusions (see CONSORT flow diagram). Describe any nuances in the data, the challenge presented, or the approach. Describe the statistical methods in detail. Show the computing code and strategy used to implement the work. Code can be placed in supplemental material, or a link to a GitHub repository can be provided. Code should be well-documented.
If an Innovative application of statistical techniques: Provide a detailed presentation of the collaboration process, from beginning to end, that took place between consultant and client/collaborator. Did the client/collaborator approach you directly, or through your company or department? What is the client’s level of statistical knowledge, training, and education? How did you come to agree on the methodology? What considerations went into the decision regarding the techniques or methods used in the analysis? What were the chief challenges in the collaborative process and/or in determining the analytical strategy?
If a Collaborative skill development article: Describe the methods, approach, and/or techniques to develop the collaborative skill. How did you come to agree on the methodology or approach? What considerations went into the decision regarding the techniques or methods used in the approach? How was success measured?
Results: Present an overview of the key findings of the work.
Discussion: For all article types, discuss the contribution to the field of statistical practice. Include a reflection on the approach or methods, including any limitations, caveats, or considerations. Discuss the innovation of the approach, technique, or method. Include what you learned from the process, any improvements that could be made, and how others can use it in their practice.
If an Innovative application of statistical techniques, discuss the contribution to the client’s field as a result of the statistical collaboration. Discuss the techniques used to effectively communicate statistical methodology and results to a non-statistical audience and include recommendations for the type and content of graphics and visualizations to convey results. Include a reflection on what you may change in the collaboration process if you have the opportunity to work together again.
If a Collaborative skill development article, discuss how the results advance the thinking and practice of how to be a successful statistical collaborator or consultant.