Scandinavian Journal of Statistics Welcomes New Editors!

The Scandinavian Journal of Statistics is pleased to announce that Rolf Larsson, Xavier de Luna, and Aila Särkkä have joined the journal as Editors for the next three years. They replace Sangita Kulathinal, Jaakko Peltonen, and Mikko J. Sillanpää whose services over the last three years to the journal are greatly appreciated.

Xavier de Luna is professor of statistics at the Umeå School of Business, Economics and Statistics, Umeå University, Sweden. His research focuses on causal inference grounded in semi-parametric theory, and using machine learning algorithms for high-dimensional situations. His research group has developed methods based on dimension reduction techniques, and recently neural networks.  A main area of application for his work is observational studies using large-scale datasets linking socio-economic and health information. He has served on several journal editorial boards within the field of statistics.


Aila Särkkä is professor in mathematical statistics at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden. Her main research areas are spatial statistics and spatio-temporal modeling, especially spatial and spatio-temporal point processes. She has been working e.g. on parameter estimation of Gibbs point processes and construction of new point process models. More recently, she has focused on modeling 3D microscopy point pattern data with replicates, where the main challenges are heterogeneity, anisotropy, and errors in the data. Her main application areas are materials science and neurology. She has served on several journal editorial boards within the field of statistics.


Rolf Larsson is a professor in applied mathematics and statistics at Uppsala University, Sweden. His research is in the field of mathematical statistics, in particular time series analysis both with real and discrete data, other discrete models, econometrics, climate statistics, and more recently confidence distributions and their relation to Bayesian statistical inference. For many years, he served as associate editor for Scandinavian Journal of Statistics.