RSS Christmas Quiz 2021

The Royal Statistical Society has published a brain-melting Christmas Quiz to baffle and entertain puzzle fans. You’ll need a combination of general knowledge, logic, lateral thinking, and searching skills to successfully crack this year’s set of eleven puzzles – but as always, no specialist mathematical knowledge is required.

The 2021 Christmas Quiz will run through till Monday 31 January 2022 – giving you plenty of time to give the puzzles a whirl and send your entry in. The questions are in the link.

Entry is free and open to all, and if you manage to achieve a score of 50% or higher, you’ll win a donation to your favourite charity or good cause, and your name (or team name) will appear on the RSS’s 2021 prize-winners’ page.

The top entry received will receive £150 in Wiley book vouchers, and second place will receive £50 in Wiley book vouchers. The next three entries (third place through to fifth place) will receive a puzzle book or board game.

This year, the quizmaster has once again pledged a donation of £500 to charity – half of this pot will be split between good causes nominated by the top five entries, while the other half will go to good causes nominated by entrants scoring 50% or more (excluding the top five).

How to enter
Details on how to enter are on the quiz page – the deadline is 31 January.

Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash