The PSI Journal Club are delighted to announce that our next webinar will be held on Tuesday 9th April. The title is “Limitations and Challenges with Mixed Model Repeated Measures (MMRM) Analysis”. The webinar will be held on Tuesday 9 April 2024 from 4 to 5pm BST (5-6pm CEST). The webinar is open to both members and non-members.
Please join us to hear Moses Mwangi and Florian Lasch present their recent work. The webinar will be chaired by Geert Molenberghs.
Presenters and Papers:
- Moses Mwangi, Geert Verbeke, Edmund Njeru Njagi, Alvaro Jose Florez, Samuel Mwalili, Anna Ivanova, Zipporah N. Bukania, Geert Molenberghs: Evaluation of a flexible piecewise linear mixed-effects model in the analysis of randomized cross-over trials
- Sebastian Häckl, Armin Koch, Florian Lasch: Type-I-error rate inflation in mixed models for repeated measures caused by ambiguous or incomplete model specifications
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PSI Journal Club is sponsored by Wiley. For each of these published papers there will be a 20 minute presentation by author followed by a 10 minute discussion. Journal subscribers can access papers at any time. A recording of the webinar will be available shortly after the JC to view via the PSI website.
Papers will be made available to view prior to the meeting and presentation slides will be available a week before the JC. Journal subscribers can access papers at any time. Audio recordings will be available shortly after the JC to download from the PSI website.