Thursday 16 June 2022, 4 pm (BST)
We are delighted to be returning to Errol St for the first time since February 2020 to gather, present and discuss in-person two papers on the theme ‘Statistical aspects of the Covid-19 pandemic’. This is the second meeting to discuss papers on this theme, the first having been held at the RSS Conference 2021 in Manchester.
The following two papers will be presented by the authors:
Paper 1: ‘Bayesian semi-mechanistic modelling of Covid-19: identifiability, sensitivity, and policy implications’
Authors: Samir Bhatt, Neil Ferguson, Seth Flaxman, Axel Gandy, Swapnil Mishra, James Scott
Paper 2: ‘A sequential Monte Carlo approach for estimation of timevarying reproduction numbers for Covid-19’
Authors: Geir Storvik, Alfonso Diz-Lois Palomares, Solveig Engebretsen, Gunnar Rø, Kenth Engo-Monsen, Anja Kristoffersen, Birgitte De Blasio, Arnoldo Frigessi
Chair: Shirley Coleman, Honorary Officer and chair, Discussion Meetings Committee
Hon. Sec: Adam Sykulski, Discussion Papers Editor
At Errol St there will be ample networking opportunities with receptions both before (3:30pm) and after the meeting for which you must register:
The event is free to attend but places are limited so please sign up to confirm your place. If your plans change, we would appreciate you letting us know so that we can free a place for someone else.
A recording of the meeting will be published afterwards on the RSS YouTube channel for those unable to attend.
All details and the preprints of both papers can be found here:
RSS – Discussion paper meetings
For those who attend in person, we welcome contributions to the discussion following the presentations of the two papers. Please let Judith Shorten ( know in advance if you would like to reserve a speaking slot (up to 5 minutes) so that your name can be called. You are permitted to speak about either paper (or both) but are only permitted to reserve one slot in total.
Written contributions
For everyone (including those that cannot attend), we welcome contributions to the discussion in writing (again, please just one contribution in total which can discuss either or both papers). Any received before 16 June will be made available for reading at the meeting if time allows, though we encourage people to attend if possible.
Written comments should not exceed 400 words in length (not including any tables, reference details and figures). Please add the following information to the beginning of your contribution:
* the author(s) and title of the paper under discussion
* your name, title, affiliation and email address (for receiving proofs)
Your written contribution must be in editable format (Word doc or LaTeX) and please supply a PDF copy for review and include a separate PDF file for each figure. Send direct to before 14 July. A condition of publication of your contribution is that you assign copyright to the Society.