SEIO 2022

The 39th Spanish Conference on Statistics and OR and the 13th Days of Official Statistics are to be held in Granada, from 7 to 10 June 2022.

In modern day society that generates huge amounts of data, its analysis, interpretation, and optimal decision-making are essential not only in the world of education, scientific research, public statistics and business, but in all areas of life, with the benefits that this entails for society in general. Currently, the Covid19 pandemic has revealed the vital role of the mathematical models of Statistics and Operations Research to help predict its evolution and optimize available resources. More than ever, this event offers a unique opportunity as a forum in which academicians, researchers and experts dealing with Statistics and OR join to exchange ideas and expertise.

The Organizing and Scientific Committees invite to participate in the Conference and Days all those related to, or interested in, Mathematical/Official Statistics and Operations Research methodological procedures, irrespectively of them coming from academia, industry and administration. Participation through different sessions will certainly enhance the good current state of Statistics and OR, and it will also show their influence in the advancement of the Society of the 21st century.

Although the conference is initially designed to be held face to face, given the difficulties experienced today due to Covid-19, multiple scenarios are planned for the correct development of the event.

The official languages of the Conference/Days are Spanish and English.

Photo by Dimitry B on Unsplash


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