The Research Students’ Conference in Population Genetics will be hosted at the University of Warwick from 21 July 2021 to 23 July 2021. The conference is primarily aimed at postgraduate research students interested in mathematical and statistical aspects of population genetics, including phylogenetics, phylodynamics, coalescent theory, stochastic processes in population genetics, computational statistics and machine learning for genomics.
The meeting will be held in person at Warwick, and will mainly consist of contributed talks by attendees, as well as plenary sessions by senior researchers. A poster reception will be held on Wednesday, and a conference dinner on Thursday evening. This conference is kindly supported by the London Mathematical Society and by the Warwick Department of Statistics.
Register to attend the conference here. Interested participants must register by 31 May. To submit a poster or talk abstract, use this form. Talk slots will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. The deadline to submit an abstract is 30 June.
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