The Department of Economics Business and Statistics of the University of Palermo is organizing the international conference: “GRASPA2023”. The conference will be held in Palermo, Italy, 10-11 July 2023.
GRASPA 2023 is the biennial conference of the Italian research group for Environmental Statistics GRASPA-SIS and the major event on Environmental Statistics in Italy. GRASPA 2023 endorses co-operation among statisticians, academics, as well as practitioners from government and independent environmental agencies and it is an opportunity to share research interests related to the development and the use of statistical methods in environmental sciences, fostering methodological developments and applications in various environmental fields.
The scientific program will include keynote, invited and contributed poster sessions, together with informal moments of discussion and interaction between the participants. Moreover, a Best Poster Award Committee will evaluate all posters on their design, clarity of the presentation and scientific content.
The scientific program of the conference will be available on the ‘in-progress website’.
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