The 5th David Finney Lecture will be given by Professor Kerrie Mengersen and is entitled “Crikey – it’s a Bayesian!”
Abstract: Bayesian statistics is now an established tool of trade for an applied statistician or data scientist. However, there are many open challenges in Bayesian modelling and analysis, which are often inspired by challenging real-world problems. In this presentation, Kerrie Mengersen will discuss a suite of environmental and biological problems that have required us to build better Bayesian tools to address increasingly sophisticated insights. The applied challenges range from the Antarctic to the Amazon, and from water to wellness. The tools include spatio-temporal models, nonparametrics, latent variable constructs and Bayesian network analyses. The work is based on research with a range of collaborators who will be acknowledged in the presentation.
Professor Kerrie Mengersen is a Distinguished Professor in Statistics at the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia. She is the Deputy Director of the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence in Mathematical Frontiers and the Director of the QUT Centre for Data Science. Kerrie is also an elected Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science and the Australian Academy of Social Sciences, and a member of the Statistical Society of Australia and the IMS, ASA, RSS, ISBA and ISI. Her research interests are in mathematical statistics and its application to substantive challenges in health, environment and industry, with particular focus on Bayesian methods.
The David Finney Lecture is an annual lecture by the Centre for Statistics, held to commemorate Professor David Finney (1917-2018), that aims to highlight exceptional research in the field of applied statistics.
Last year’s lecture was given by Prof. Sir David Spiegelhalter on “Communicating statistics, risk and uncertainty in the age of Covid”.
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