9th International Conference Use of R in Official Statistics: uRos2021

The annual conference on the Use of R in Official Statistics will be organized as a virtual event, on 24-26 November 2021. Details about the format and the programme will be announced soon.

The call for abstracts for presentations and tutorials is published on the conference website http://r-project.ro/conference2021.html The submission deadline is 31 July 2021.

There will be two kind of presentations “regular presentations” with roughly 15 minutes time slots and “lightning presentations” with 5 minutes time slots and automatic cycling through the slides.

Tutorials will be 2 to 4 hours in length (1 slot is 2 hours). Tutorials will be presented one per day, as live presentations. The scope of the tutorials comprises the whole statistical production process of official statistics.

For regular updates follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/urosconf 

If you need further information please contact the conference secretariat via: anamaria.dobre@insse.ro

We look forward to meet you online for uRos2021!

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