Microdata from Eurostat – SILC, LFS, AES, SES, CIS, CSIS, EHIS, HBS and TUS
Mannheim, 16-17 March 2023
Organized by German Microdata Lab, GESIS, in cooperation with Eurostat
European microdata released by Eurostat are an important basis for comparative social research. More and more researchers use these data for a wide range of economic and social analyses. For many years, researchers have presented results of their work at the bi-annual conferences organised by GESIS.
This call invites you to submit an abstract to the 8th User Conference. Topics to be addressed include poverty and social exclusion, income inequality, low wage earners, gender earnings gap, migration and labour mobility, the effect of Corona on employment and unemployment, quality of work, innovativeness of enterprises, adult education, skills and qualification, and social aspects of health. Presentations focusing on methodological topics are also highly welcome. They may include e.g. questions of data quality, cross-national and inter-temporal comparability as well as the comparability of different EU surveys.
The 8th European User Conference is organised by the German Microdata Lab, GESIS, in cooperation with Eurostat. The conference will provide researchers with the opportunity to present and discuss their latest work and share their experience. In addition to fostering the discussion within the research community on both substantive and methodological issues, the conference offers researchers the opportunity to get into contact with colleagues from Eurostat.
Researchers of all disciplines (e.g. economics, sociology, demography, geography, political science and public health) who use European microdata are encouraged to submit an abstract. All social research to be presented must be comparative and be based on data from at least two countries.
Conference Fee 120 Euros
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