4th IMA and OR Society Conference on Mathematics of Operational Research

Innovations and applications through the mathematics of operational research

Building on the success of the three previous conferences held in 2017, 2019, and 2021 this conference will aim to draw together the considerable community of researchers and practitioners who use/develop innovative mathematics, relevant to the applications and theory of Operational Research. The conference will be held on 27 and 28 April 2023 at Conference Aston in Birmingham and will showcase activities from across OR, and will welcome both contributions which have a clear application focus as well as those which are theoretically driven.

Contributions will be expected to showcase both Mathematics and OR. The conference will host plenaries from leading international experts, sessions of themed talks, as well as poster sessions, and provide plenty of opportunities for networking.

Invited Speakers

Nira Chamberlain (SNC-Lavalin Group Inc) Talk Title: Strategic Modelling: The Challenges of OR in an Increasingly Data-Driven World.
Joerg Fliege (University of Southampton) Talk Title: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Opportunities for Operational Research.
Paul Harper (Cardiff University) Talk Title: Transforming Emergency and Urgent Care Services with OR.
Julie Bennell (University of Leeds) Talk Title: Packing of Irregular Shapes in Two and Three Dimensions.
(confirmed to date)

The IMA, the OR Society, and the conference committee strongly support diversity and inclusion: All supporting documents can be found on the website.

We welcome all to take part in the conference. As part of raising awareness and improving understanding of the different barriers individuals face, we would like to invite session leaders (and individual speakers) to include as part of their presentation(s) their own experiences of achievement, inclusion, and exclusion.



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