2023 ICSA China Conference

The 2023 ICSA China Conference will be held at Chengdu, Sichuan, China from 30 June to 3 July 2023. It will be co-sponsored by the Southwest Jiaotong University.   The conference venue is Jinniu Hotel. The hotel information can be found here.

For more information, please contact the Scientific Program Committee Chair,  Professor Yichuan Zhao at yichuan@gsu.edu or visit the conference website: ICSA 2023 China Conference.  The scientific program committee welcomes invited session proposals.  Some related information about the submission link and timeline for the invited session proposals is as follows.

Call for Invited Session Proposals

A one-talk rule will be applied.  Each speaker in this conference can only give one invited talk.

Each invited session consists of either 4 presenters or 3 presenters and 1 discussant.

First check the following link for the proposal submission. Then,  submit the session  information including session title, brief description, the speakers and the talk titles, etc.

Session Submission Form – 2023 ICSA China Conference

Please submit your proposed session before 15 December 2022.



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