10th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM 2023)

The 10th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics will be held at Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, on 20-25 August 2023.

1. Minisymposium Proposals/Contributed Talks: deadline extended

The deadline for abstract submission of minisymposium proposals and contributed talks for ICIAM 2023 has been extended to February 20, 2023.

A minisymposium is composed of one or a few sessions (up to three or four sessions) of coordinated presentations on a single topic of interest and importance in industrial and applied mathematics. Each session within a minisymposium should include four presentations in two hours. Each speaker should be allotted 25 minutes for their presentation, with an additional 5 minutes for discussion.

Contributed talks in lecture format are invited in all areas consistent with the congress themes covering topics in industrial and applied mathematics. A contributed talk is a 15-minute oral presentation, with additional 5 minutes for discussion.

Every meeting at ICIAM 2023 will be held at Waseda University in person, and the conference program will be arranged in Japan Standard Time. For participants who have to attend the conference online, all conference rooms are capable of hybrid-style meetings.

Closing date for submissions of proposals: 20 February 2023
Closing date for submissions of abstracts from speakers: 20 April 2023

2. Call for Posters

Contributed presentations in poster format are invited in all areas consistent with the congress themes. Authors who wish to present a poster at ICIAM 2023 must submit a title and a brief abstract of maximum 75 words. Contributed presentations in poster format can be submitted here.

The two categories for posters are Applied Mathematics and Industrial Mathematics.

Closing date for submissions of posters: 20 April 2023

For more details on posters, see here.

3. Financial Support

This program is addressed to researchers of any nationality and professional situation needing financial support to attend the ICIAM 2023 Tokyo Congress. Grants will be awarded by the ICIAM Financial Support Committee. Preference will be given to applicants who plan to give a presentation (oral and poster) at the congress.

ICIAM 2023 Tokyo provides financial support for registration fees (FS1) and travel (FS2). You can apply for both FS1 and FS2.

FS1 closing date for submissions: 20 February 2023
FS2 closing date for submissions: 20 March 2023

For more details, see here.


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