Call for Papers for a Stat Special Issue on “Statistical Network Analysis”

Stat Special Issue on “Statistical Network Analysis”

Recent advances in social media and measurement technologies have led to an explosion in the amount of network data that are being collected in all areas of applications, such as biology, business, computer science, economics, engineering, medicine, sociology, and so on. Consequently, research on networks has steadily increased in recent years and appeared in leading scientific journals such as Science, Nature, and PNAS. Over the past few decades, there has been rapid growth in the area of statistical network analysis, but theoretical and computational challenges remain in modeling and analysis of large-scale, complex, and dynamic networks, experiment design and synthesis of networks, understanding robustness and security of networks, etc. To attract more statisticians to network analysis, this special issue seeks to provide a venue accessible to a broad range of statisticians for quick dissemination of results. The scientific objective of this special issue is to contribute to network research by collecting some of the most recent advances on the topic. We encourage submissions presenting original work on theory, methodology, computation, visualization, and case studies for statistical network analysis.

Co-editors: Hao Helen Zhang & Ji Zhu

All papers must be submitted via the ScholarOne Manuscripts online submission system at:

Authors will need to select the Statistical Network Analysis option in the dropdown list of Special Issues.  The deadline for submissions is 1 June 2021.