Call for Papers: ASMBI special issue on Data Science in Business and Industry

NOTE: Submission Deadline Extended to 30 March 2024!

Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry is inviting contributions for a special issue devoted to DATA SCIENCE IN BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY.

Statistical learning and stochastic modelling are the engines of data science. The models and methods help businesses use data to make better decisions.

Information and communications technology has forever changed business planning and has led to new industries, such as Internet of Things, ridesharing, and intelligent recommender systems (ChatGPT, Brad). Companies use data science to manage supply chains, support dynamic pricing, optimize delivery, and control robotic manufacture. Data science also opens the door to greener industries with less pollution and more fuel efficiency.

This special issue aims at collecting high-quality contributions on a wide range of theoretical and applied topics in data science for business and industry. This call includes papers on the development of statistical methods and algorithms, and practical applications that solve real-world problems.

Papers should present new methodology and/or smart applications of existing methods. All submissions will go through the usual review process of ASMBI. The deadline for submissions is 30 March 2024, through the submission site Please follow the ASMBI author submission guidelines given on the ASMBI website and click on the box about submissions for special issues, selecting “Data Science in Business and Industry” when prompted.

The Guest Editors of the special issue are David Banks (, Alba Martínez-Ruiz (, David F. Muñoz (, Javier Trejos-Zelaya ( For any information about ASMBI, please contact its Editor-in-Chief, Nalini Ravishanker (
