Teaching statistics and data science in England’s schools

Each week, we select a recently published Open Access article to feature. This week’s article ‘Teaching statistics and data science in England’s schools‘ comes from the recent Teaching Statistics special issue on Teaching Data Science and Statistics: foundation and introductory

The article’s abstract is given below, with the full article available to read here.

Davies, N. and Sheldon, N.Teaching statistics and data science in England’s schoolsTeaching Statistics 43 (2021), S52S70https://doi.org/10.1111/test.12276

In 2003, Holmes [The Statistician 52, Part 4, (2003), 439–474] reviewed 50 years of teaching statistics in English schools and drew out many lessons for more effective teaching. We consider the current relevance of several of these lessons and whether we have learned from them. Many national reports have been published about teaching statistics with few of their recommendations being implemented. There have been rapid developments in the methodology of, and technology used by, statistics at all levels outside schools. These have led to the accelerated development of the use of statistics and related disciplines such as data science (DS). In schools, we have not seen as much progress in teaching, learning, assessing, or communicating these subjects. We consider reasons for lack of progress in pedagogy and make our own recommendations to get schools to catch up with the exciting developments in the practice and communication of statistics and DS.

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