The lay abstract featured today (for Publishing an applied statistics paper: Guidance and advice from editors by Christine M. Anderson-Cook, Lu Lu, Robert B. Gramacy, L. Allison Jones-Farmer, Douglas C. Montgomery and William H. Woodall) is from Quality and Reliability Engineering International with the full article now available to read here.
Publishing an applied statistics paper: Guidance and advice from editors. Qual Reliab Engng Int. 2024; 1–17.
, , , , , . Abstract
One of the tasks required of most researchers and academic faculty is to publish their innovative ideas in the peer-reviewed literature. In this paper, we provide guidance about the different stages of the process as experienced authors and offer advice from those who hold the decision about the success or failure of these papers, namely the editors of applied statistics journals. The paper is organized into four sections focusing on different stages of publishing: (1) Planning what to write about, where to submit and how to organize the paper; (2) The process of writing the paper; (3) Interpreting and responding to peer-reviews from the journal editors and referees to prepare for resubmission; and (4) General comments about the publication process, including collaboration and mentoring. Each section starts with fundamentals provided by the moderators (C.A.C. and L.L.) on key aspects to consider on each topic and then followed with discussion from some current and past editors of impactful journals in the field of applied statistics. Our hope is that this collection of insights may help accelerate learning about the process for those young researchers and help all researchers to understand some of the important often-unspoken aspects of the process.