Open Access: Statistics education from a data-centric perspective

Each week, we select a recently published Open Access article to feature. This week’s article comes from the latest special issue of Teaching Statistics entitled  “Teaching Data Science and Statistics: foundation and introductory“. The article proposes  teaching statistics from a data-centric perspective to ensure students have a better understanding of the importance and applicability of statistics.

The arView Table of Contents for Teaching Statistics volume 43 issue S1ticle’s abstract is given below, with the full article available to read here.

Gehrke, MKistler, TLübke, KMarkgraf, NKrol, BSauer, SStatistics education from a data-centric perspectiveTeaching Statistics202143S201– S215

The ubiquitous acquisition and generation of data require a reworking of curricula in introductory statistics in tertiary education. We present a renewed curriculum that focuses on scientific thinking, modeling, and simulation-based inference, utilizing R and various R tools such as shiny and learnr apps. We teach statistics from a data-centric perspective, enabling the students to become data literate. Initial feedback of students and educators at our university of applied sciences shows that students’ conceptual understanding improved and they understood the practical applicability of statistics better.
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