2023 VVSOR Annual Meeting: Statistics and operations research for robust decision making

The 2023 VVSOR Annual Meeting takes place on 23 March 2023 in Utrecht, Netherlands. Participants can choose between following a livestream or attending the event in person at the ‘In de Driehoek’ venue, a short walk from Utrecht Central station.

Various speakers will present their research and work around the theme:

“Statistics and operations research for robust decision making” 

Expect to learn about cutting-edge research and real-life applications on the topic of decision-making under uncertainty.

Taking robust (high-stake) decisions can be very challenging, especially when decisions must be taken under varying levels of uncertainty. During this annual meeting several experts will talk about their research in this field. The speakers during this day will elaborate on the use of data, statistical models and operations research applications that could assist the decision-making process and robustness of the decisions. What factors should be considered, what models can be used and how could one incorporate uncertainty in the models, decision-making process and communication around the uncertainty?

Join this annual meeting and learn more from four scientists specializing in the field of health economics, mathematics, complexity and their relationship to decision making:

A panel discussion will follow after the end of all the talks with all of the speakers:


Prof. Dr Gianluca Baio – “Making robust decisions in health technology assessment: The value of value of information”

Dr Rianne de Heide – “Stochastic bandits: optimism in face of uncertainty”

Prof. Dr Frank Pijpers – “Official statistics as support for robust public governance”

Dr Julie Rozenberg – “Decision making under deep uncertainty”

For further information, including registration details, please visit the meeting website.