2022 Canadian Journal of Statistics Award Announced

The Canadian Journal of Statistics Award is awarded annually by the SSC to the author(s) of an article published in the previous year in the journal, in recognition of the outstanding quality of the paper’s methodological innovation and presentation. This year’s winners are Li Xing (University of Saskatchewan), Xuekui Zhang (University of Victoria), Igor Burstyn (Drexel University), and Paul Gustafson (University of British Columbia) for their paper entitled “On Logistic Box-Cox Regression for Flexibly Estimating the Shape and Strength of Exposure-Disease Relationships”, which appeared in The Canadian Journal of Statistics, Volume 49, Issue 3, 2021, pages 808-825.

The authors also provided a lay abstract for their article, which may be read here.

The list of previous CJS Award winning articles from 2010 onwards is here.