100 Year Jubilee of the Finnish Statistical Society

The Finnish Statistical Society celebrated its centenary in 2020. The coronavirus epidemic prevented the celebration of the anniversary in 2020 and the following years. The Society is now celebrating its wonderful history at the 100+ anniversary celebration in Helsinki on 8-9 June 2023. The event location is Porthania of the University of Helsinki, Yliopistonkatu 3. Register for the anniversary using the registration form and by paying the participation fee (payment instructions here).

The main speakers of the anniversary celebration are Deborah Ashby (Imperial College, President of the Royal Statistical Society 2019–2020) and Jouni Kuha (London School of Economics and Political Science). Due to the jubilee year, the topics of the presentations include not only current research and the new online Statistical Dictionary (to be published shortly by the Society), but also the history of the Society and the history of statistics in Finland.

The presentations on both mornings will be held in English, whereas the afternoons are in Finnish. Participants will receive a copy of the Statistical Dictionary when they arrive on 8 June, providing there are still copies left at that time.

Poster competition

A poster competition will be organized as a part of the event. The topic of the poster can be theoretical or applied. The best poster is chosen by public vote. In addition to the honour of winning, the winner receives a cash prize and a discount voucher for Wiley books. You can register for the poster competition at the same time you register for the anniversary. You can also register for the poster competition by e-mailing the secretary (sihteeri@tilastoseura.fi) before 15 May.

For registration and payment instructions, please refer to the Jubilee website.


Subject to change.

8 June 2023

  • 09.00–10.00 Registration
  • 10.00–10.15 Head of the board of the Finnish Statistical Society: Opening of the anniversary celebration
  • 10.15–11.00 Professor Deborah Ashby (Imperial College): Florence Nightingale’s legacy: using data to improve public health from the time of the Crimea to the time of the coronavirus
  • 11.00–11.30 Tuomo Nieminen: COVID-19 vaccination and adverse events: real-time epidemiological analyses based on national health registers in Finland
  • 11.30–12.00 Tiina Laatikainen: Do health sciences exist without statistics?

12.00–13.00 Lunch and poster session

  • 13.00–13.30 Jukka Nyblom: A note on Legendre’s method of least squares
  • 13.30–14.00 Pekka Pere: Suomen Tilastoseuran historia
  • 14.00–14.30 Heikki Mikkonen: Tilastotieteen suomalaista historiaa
  • 14.30–15.00 Esa Läärä: Uusi Tilastotieteen sanasto ja verkkosanasto
  • 15.00–15.30 Coffee, tea and poster session
  • 15.30–16.00 Markus Sovala: Tilastoja ja dataa – joko tai vai sekä että?
  • 16.00–16.30 Risto Lehtonen: Paradigmamuutoksista virallisessa tilastoinnissa kansainvälisesti ja Suomessa

16.30–17.30 Parallel sessions 1 and 2

Session 1 (chair Ari Jaakola)

  • 16.30–17.00 Jukka Hoffrén: Luotettavat tilastot demokratian ja yhteiskunnallisen päätöksenteon perustana
  • 17.00–17.30 Asta Manninen: Kaupunkitilastoista on moneksi

Session 2 (chair Pekka Pere)

  • 16.30–17.00 Antti Penttinen: Paikkatietoanalyysin alkulähteillä – metsänarvioinnin virheistä silmänliikeanalyysiin
  • 17.00–17.30 Esko Leskinen: Faktorimallien kehityksestä psykometriassa/li>

20.00–23.00 Gala dinner at Katajanokan Kasino

9 June 2023


  • 09.00–9.45 Professor Jouni Kuha (London School of Economics and Political Science): Modelling correlation matrices in multivariate dyadic data: Latent variable models for intergenerational exchanges of family support
  • 09.45–10.15 Timo Teräsvirta: Long monthly European temperature series and the North Atlantic oscillation
  • 10.15–10.45 Heikki Kauppi: Estimating optimal binary classification rules: A nonparametric method for nonmonotonic density ratios
  • 10.45–11.15 Erkki Tomppo: Statistics in forest sciences in Finland


11.15–12.30 Lunch and poster session (voting ends)

  • 12.30–14.15 Sukupolvien ketju: Elja Arjas – Hannu Oja – Pauliina Ilmonen – Jaakko Pere
  • 14.15–14.45 Coffee, tea, and poster session (voting has ended)
  • 14.45–16.45 Törnqvist- ja posterikilpailujen palkintojen jako ja voittajien esitykset
  • 16.45–17.00 Head of the board of the Finnish Statistical Society: Closing of the anniversary celebration